Personal, Familial, National, International and Universal. Such is the trajectory common to all of us. The journey which leads us from the local to the global, from the particular to the general, from the one-sided to the many-sided. In mathematics, this is the trend. Differential geometry is focused in investigating geometric properties that could be preserved by the transition from local to global. For Manifolds, which are the principal objects of geometric investigations, are defined on local charts whose collection forms an atlas. The concern therefore lies naturally in how to translate local properties such as convexity and curvature to the global ones; how to abstract the local concerns to global concerns. In Physiology,too, scholars came to understand the necessity to integrate the understanding of life-process from the subcellular level to the organic, systemic and communitarian levels; from the science of molecule to that of public health.
Thus, almost everyone are aware of this progressive trend which will enable us to see the system in its entirety. Frederick Engels said:
People will no longer be, as they are today, subordinated to a single branch of production, bound to it, exploited by it; they will no longer develop one of their faculties at the expense of all others; they will no longer know only one branch, or one branch of a single branch, of production as a whole[...]Industry controlled by society as a whole, and operated according to a plan, presupposes well-rounded human beings, their faculties developed in balanced fashion, able to see the system of production in its entirety. (The Principles of Communism)
However, after lifting up your views to understand the particular through the universal, it is necessary to go back to the local in order to do the practice. Such outlook is the dialectical conception of the world. The only way to grasp the universal resides in the understanding of the local; in turn the understanding of the global determines the understanding of the local. This down-up and up-down motion constitutes the driving force of historical progress of thought. In other words, use the facts to understand the generality of things; and use the generality of things to sharpen our understanding of the facts. This is communist world outlook.